Children have a certain wayof growing bigger every day,But these little handsand this special smilewill stay in our hearts a long, long while. ...
Keepsakes And Gift Ideas
My HandprintsMy dirty little handprintI've left on every wallAnd on the drawers and tabletopsI've really marked them allBut here is one that won't rub ...
Footprint PoemThe pitter patter of little feetLeave behind something dear and sweetA precious treasure for me to keepThe memories of your little feet. ...
My HandsThese little hands can wave HelloOr put smudges on the wallThey can fold in prayer, throw a kissOr reach up so very tallThey'll clasp your ...
I miss you when we're not togetherI'm growing up so fast.See how big I've gotten,Since you saw me last?As I grow, I'll change a lot,The years will fly ...
This handprint & footprint craft is a great way to get your child involved in making thank you card for a birthday or any occasion.Pick one ...