Isn't this footprint monkey craft adorable? He's standing next to a fingerprint palm tree at the beach. This footprint craft is suitable for toddlers ...

Foster Creativity through handprint crafts, footprint keepsakes & fingerprint art.
Isn't this footprint monkey craft adorable? He's standing next to a fingerprint palm tree at the beach. This footprint craft is suitable for toddlers ...
It's no secret that we love to make handprint fish.... tee, hee! Here is a new way to make them as a paper bag craft that the kids can have fun ...
I wanted to make handprint art with the kids I was baby-sitting and the girl wanted a Handprint Turtle. Start by pressing a green handprint in the ...
This week's feature are 2 super cute Handprint Crab Crafts. The 1st one is a Crabby T-shirt from Nothing but Country. Head over there for the full ...
We have been busy making ocean/beach crafts lately and made this Handprint Crab to go along with the theme. It also features a cute, crabby song that ...
For the month of August, we made a Handprint Sailboat. I actually made my son's orange handprint on a separate piece of paper and then cut it out to ...
For our Handprint Calendar for the month of June, we made this Handprint and Footprint Lobster I saw on the Meet the Dubiens Blog(so many cute ideas). ...
Let's make a fun Summer footprint craft that doubles as a keepsake - flip flops from prints of the kids little feet! We included an adorable poem on ...