Looking for a fun winter animal craft to make kids that isn't a penguin or polar bear? Here is a super cute handprint snowy owl craft made with ...
Animal Craft Ideas
RAWR means I love you in dinosaur! We made this adorable dinosaur thumbprint card idea years ago when we also created a few more thumbprint ...
Let's make a handprint groundhog craft with puffy paint snow! Perfect for preschoolers and kindergartners who are working on a Groundhog Day unit in ...
I loved the way our paper plate bird crafts turned out! My kids made a hand print duck with tissue paper and a footprint parrot with feathers and fake ...
These super cute Unicorn Handprint Posters are perfect for displaying in a bedroom or keeping in a keepsake memory book! Unicorn Handprint ...
Eek! My little one is graduating from preschool this Friday already. Why do they have to grow so fast and can't they please just stay little for a bit ...
Let's make a cute ladybug plant holder from a recycled tin can! Not only is this repurposed tin can craft great as a Spring craft to make with kids, ...
Aren't baby chick, bunny, and sheep crafts the cutest? There are so many different ways to make them that are fun for kids. In this post, we share ...
Big Brother has been obsessed with making handprint drawings the past few months, so of course he wanted to create some hand-y Easter ones. In this ...
We have been busy making Valentine's Day cards! I already shared the cute thumbprint owl Valentine's Day cards my daughter and I made together. In ...