My son has been asking to do a sleigh craft and I remember that he liked this adorable thumbprint sleigh with thumbprint reindeer I posted on a Christmas craft round up the other day. We used that for inspiration in creating our own. I also decided to make a Christmas art scene with Little Sister, but instead, a footprint sleigh similar to the one I made with my son a few years ago.

Framed Thumbprint Reindeer and Sleigh Art Scene
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- We used our Melissa & Doug Picture Frame Pad
- Trace a circular-shaped item on yellow construction paper
. This will be the moon. Cut and glue on to the page.
- Use red paint
to make 3 thumbprints for a sleigh.
- Use brown paint to create thumbprint reindeer. He wanted me to help him with this part and insisted the whole time that I make a Rudolph - he was so worried. Too cute!
- Paint on little brown tails.
- After it dries, draw on antlers and a red nose with either glitter glue pens
, paint
, or markers.
- Draw on the rest of the details and make a Santa. Alternatively you could make a thumbprint Santa, but my son is obsessed with drawing people so I left that for him to draw on.
How to Create a Footprint Sleigh Christmas Scene
- Paint the foot in color of choice. I made this one with my almost 2 year old & I almost always let my 5 year old have a say in her crafts. He matter of factly said that Santa's sleigh was red and that we could only make it that color ..... he, he.
- Make brown thumbprint reindeer using the tutorial above.
- Embellish with glitter glue pens
to make it sparkle.
See also: Handprint Santa Crafts
Rachel@I Heart Crafty Things says
Oh my goodness, this is just about the cutest craft I've ever seen! I love the big full moon in the background!! Can't wait to try this next Christmas. 🙂
artsy_momma says
Thanks Rachel! And thanks for the PIN as well 🙂