"I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character." From the I Have a Dream Speech, 1963
Martin Luther King Day is such a great opportunity to teach our children and to show others the importance of racial equality. Even though it is an American holiday, it's message is one that can be celebrated worldwide.
This Handprint Unity Wreath is a wonderful symbol of exactly what that message is. I made painted handprints with my son, but you could also trace different colors of construction paper and cut them out. I saw this idea over at the DLTK's Growing Together website. The one shown there is a little different than the one I made....head over there to see their version with detailed instructions including a handprint dove to place in the center instead of a peace sign.
I also saw another great MLK Handprint Craft over at Ramblings of a Crazy Woman with a cute saying to go along with it. I would love for you to check out the Handprint Dove we made for Peace Day!
vanessa says
It looks great! I love how it turned out.