Little hands make fun fall tree and leaf crafts for kids. Whether they are made with painted handprints or traced, there are many ideas that also look great as Fall decorations. They can be made with fingerprints, one handprint, the whole family's handprints, and even an arm print. Here is a round up of a few of my faves!
Fall Tree & Leaf Crafts made with Handprints and Fingerprints
*This post was originally posted 9/23/2011 and updated on 8/20/2017.
2. This interactive Fall handprint tree is so creative! Each leaf has a fall activity written on it. As they finish each activity, the leaf falls to the bottom of the tree. When all their leaves are gone, they plan to start their winter checklist. Head over there to see how easy it is to make as well as a list of the fall activities they wrote on each leaf. via East Coast Mommy
3. This fun fingerprint Fall tree is made from recycled materials. Pop on over to get the instructions as well as a printable template. via All Kids Network
5. This handprint Fall wreath makes an awesome decoration! I love how she placed different colored handprints on different colored paper. via Evolving Mommy
6. Also from our blog, we made this handprint leaf as part of our handprint calendar. You could add a cute fall song or autumn poem to go with it. via Fun Handprint Art
Fall Kids Book Recommendations:
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See Also: Thanksgiving Crafts for Kids
More Autumn Craft Ideas For Kids
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Lori @ La-La's Home Daycare says
So super cute! We made a hand print tree last year, but I never posted. Lori
Mom to 2 Posh Lil Divas says
such fun ideas! 🙂 We love all things involving hand &foot prints.Thanks for linking to the Sunday Showcase! Looking forward to seeing what you will share this week -Bern
Heather @ Run Eat Play says
These are so cute! I can't wait to make the handprint tree with my kids!
Beth says
Oh... I love your blog!! I am a big fan of hand/ foot art & had no idea there was a whole blog about it! We've done hand trees, hand/feet excited to find you as a resource =-)